Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Insane Technology, by Daito Manabe

So a while back my friend John Martin shows me this video about this guy, and he controls his face through MUSIC. All his facial expressions are controlled by a techno song that he plays in real time. Him and his team do a ton of seriously amazing projects and post them to a youtube page, look him up, they're geniuses!

Holga 35mm

A nifty little camera I might say! A simple, yet infinitely complicated vintage camera that you can buy for $sub-50! A cool camera to take multiple exposure photos, a camera you can use for dream-like images and normal images, so go, now you're interested.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Okay, longboarding, the greatest sport invented ever. I'm a longboarder, and today I went out longboarding for the first time in 2011. It was amazing, so I thought "Hey, more people should do this, it's great!" and so here I am. Now, like skateboarding, longboarding takes time and effort, and practice, and balance, but that's it! I know it seems not worth it, but all the time you put into it rewards you ten fold.

Just imagine flying through the wind, chilling, going 30 on an open road down a Hawian mountain. You're surrounded by beautiful waves and tropical wind, nothing but you and the world, maybe you're listening to music, like Hysteric by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. To me, this sounds like the best thing in the world, too bad I don't have Hawian mountains near by, I live in Pennsylvania. So I use the Poconos, and it's still amazing.

You really can't tell how peaceful and amazing longboarding is until you try it. And you can just cruise to get around, or bomb huge hills, whatever you want, whatever's your style, it's completly worth every bit of work and money you put into it. And it's fun, really fun! So go longboard, get a nice Sector 9 or maybe the newer Apex from Original, and have fun. Now you're interested.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Google, and You.

Google, an awesome website, the greatest search engine ever, and I've got some awesome things, tricks, 'hacks', and more! So first, the beautiful "google bomb" as I'll call it. If you ever took part in the whole "search failure and click I'm feeling lucky to get george bush's website!" thing, you might've thought, "How did they do that?" and the answer is simple. So Google uses links to return search engine results, at least, that's a big part of it. So if you put the word "failure" as a link to say, george bushs website, than your chances of it being returned on google goes up by 1. If you get thousands of people to do it, you are google-bombing. You just might get the number 1 spot! Just hope that google doesn't fix it, which they did to the Bush Bomb.

Next, google hacking, there are so many videos on google hacking, they're everywhere, you can even google google hacks! I won't go into detail now, and it's so easy to find videos and things, just spend 5 minutes and look.

Last for this post, tricks. Tricks are simple, and sometimes useful. I use things like, if you have a long list of words, and a main subject word, type it twice. Also, there's a ton of tools by google that you no doubt know about, so use those. Like google shopping(or whatever it is) is great for shopping for the lowest prices.

So that's all, have fun, now you're interested.

Okay, this website is awesome. If you've ever heard of mystery google, it's the same thing, but with a different name! So what happens, is you search something, and it gives you the result of the person that searched before you! So go, now you're interested.

What's the Point of the Blog?

This blog, isn't about written, or read, it's just giving you ideas and topics you can google! Like the Edison inventions, I left out a lot, because it's your choice if you want to go really in depth about it. So now, go, read, and be interested!

Edison, You Son Of A Bitch!

So, Thomas Edison, he invented a lot of stuff right? You know, the lightbulb, the radio, but what if I told you that it wasn't true? Yeah, that's right, Thomas Edison didn't invent the lightbulb, he didn't invent the radio, and theres more things he "stole", and some have really interesting details and conspiracys... Now you're interested.