Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Okay, longboarding, the greatest sport invented ever. I'm a longboarder, and today I went out longboarding for the first time in 2011. It was amazing, so I thought "Hey, more people should do this, it's great!" and so here I am. Now, like skateboarding, longboarding takes time and effort, and practice, and balance, but that's it! I know it seems not worth it, but all the time you put into it rewards you ten fold.

Just imagine flying through the wind, chilling, going 30 on an open road down a Hawian mountain. You're surrounded by beautiful waves and tropical wind, nothing but you and the world, maybe you're listening to music, like Hysteric by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. To me, this sounds like the best thing in the world, too bad I don't have Hawian mountains near by, I live in Pennsylvania. So I use the Poconos, and it's still amazing.

You really can't tell how peaceful and amazing longboarding is until you try it. And you can just cruise to get around, or bomb huge hills, whatever you want, whatever's your style, it's completly worth every bit of work and money you put into it. And it's fun, really fun! So go longboard, get a nice Sector 9 or maybe the newer Apex from Original, and have fun. Now you're interested.

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