Monday, February 7, 2011

Parkour, and You.

Parkour, a relativly new sport, founded in France early 90's and it's becoming huge, with a little help from our friend the internet! I've been a practicer of parkour(traceur) for a year or so now, and it's great. It's really helping me stay fit, and I highly suggest it to anyone, big or small, male or female, no matter the race, ethnicity, or sex, parkour is for everybody. And I really don't feel proper calling it a sport, it's rather a lifestyle. Check out Danny Ilibaca's video "choose Not To Fall" it's beautiful. Basically, parkour is getting from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible. Let no obstacle slow you down! It's wonderful, and brutal and feels so good.

So how can you, mister Man, start parkour? I'd suggest webssites like and and youtube channels like 3Run, the parkour community is awesome, and the workouts will get you a six pack in days! You can impress all of your friends when your chillin and you pull off a backflip! Although, a backflip is definatly freerunning. So what is freerunning? Freerunning is in a way, parkour with out the plan. It's not getting from A to B as fast as possible, it's more like flashy flips and tricks to practice. It's usually practiced because of a feeling that you need more, or you want to feel accomplished, or you just plain wanna show off to your buddys, there's no wrong answer.

So which to practice? It's your choice, I practice both and I find that the best, is to practice both! It's great. So go out, have fun, explore. That's all from me, have fun.

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