Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Okay, longboarding, the greatest sport invented ever. I'm a longboarder, and today I went out longboarding for the first time in 2011. It was amazing, so I thought "Hey, more people should do this, it's great!" and so here I am. Now, like skateboarding, longboarding takes time and effort, and practice, and balance, but that's it! I know it seems not worth it, but all the time you put into it rewards you ten fold.

Just imagine flying through the wind, chilling, going 30 on an open road down a Hawian mountain. You're surrounded by beautiful waves and tropical wind, nothing but you and the world, maybe you're listening to music, like Hysteric by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. To me, this sounds like the best thing in the world, too bad I don't have Hawian mountains near by, I live in Pennsylvania. So I use the Poconos, and it's still amazing.

You really can't tell how peaceful and amazing longboarding is until you try it. And you can just cruise to get around, or bomb huge hills, whatever you want, whatever's your style, it's completly worth every bit of work and money you put into it. And it's fun, really fun! So go longboard, get a nice Sector 9 or maybe the newer Apex from Original, and have fun. Now you're interested.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Google, and You.

Google, an awesome website, the greatest search engine ever, and I've got some awesome things, tricks, 'hacks', and more! So first, the beautiful "google bomb" as I'll call it. If you ever took part in the whole "search failure and click I'm feeling lucky to get george bush's website!" thing, you might've thought, "How did they do that?" and the answer is simple. So Google uses links to return search engine results, at least, that's a big part of it. So if you put the word "failure" as a link to say, george bushs website, than your chances of it being returned on google goes up by 1. If you get thousands of people to do it, you are google-bombing. You just might get the number 1 spot! Just hope that google doesn't fix it, which they did to the Bush Bomb.

Next, google hacking, there are so many videos on google hacking, they're everywhere, you can even google google hacks! I won't go into detail now, and it's so easy to find videos and things, just spend 5 minutes and look.

Last for this post, tricks. Tricks are simple, and sometimes useful. I use things like, if you have a long list of words, and a main subject word, type it twice. Also, there's a ton of tools by google that you no doubt know about, so use those. Like google shopping(or whatever it is) is great for shopping for the lowest prices.

So that's all, have fun, now you're interested.

Okay, this website is awesome. If you've ever heard of mystery google, it's the same thing, but with a different name! So what happens, is you search something, and it gives you the result of the person that searched before you! So go, now you're interested.

What's the Point of the Blog?

This blog, isn't about written, or read, it's just giving you ideas and topics you can google! Like the Edison inventions, I left out a lot, because it's your choice if you want to go really in depth about it. So now, go, read, and be interested!

Edison, You Son Of A Bitch!

So, Thomas Edison, he invented a lot of stuff right? You know, the lightbulb, the radio, but what if I told you that it wasn't true? Yeah, that's right, Thomas Edison didn't invent the lightbulb, he didn't invent the radio, and theres more things he "stole", and some have really interesting details and conspiracys... Now you're interested.

Wierd Movies

I love watching really bizzare movies, they are usually creepy as hell, or entertaining as hell, or sometimes annoying as hell. Movies like, Eraserhead, Being John Malkovich, Fight Club, A Clockwork Orange, I love all of these movies. Some, are wierder than others, and Eraserhead definatly gets the top spot, but they're all great. There's also obscure movies like Boxing Helana, May, Teeth, and then there's movies that are just in the what the hell catagory, Teeth, The Human Centipede, and there's a lot more. The Shining is also great in this 'wierd' catagory. If you havn't seen it then shame on you, and if you have then you knpow what I'm talking about! Definatly one of my top 10 scary movies. So that's all, you interested.

To All You Drummers Out There

Okay, me being a drummer in a band, DFHP, I thought I'd do something about drumming. So if you want to start drumming, where should you begin? It depends on your age, but if you're in elementary or middle school, or even highschool, join your schools "Band" as a percussionist. It will help tremendously! You'll a feel for your sticks, and a feel for playing live when you do concerts(though it's not much like a rock concert). Next, start learning the key drum rudiments. There are 40 key rudiments you should learn before you can call yourself an accomplished drummer. So what's a rudiment? It's a scale for drums. If you play any other instruments then you probably know what a scale is, but if you don't, it's a base for playing. Scales are you in all songs that you play on your instrument. Drum rudiments are the same, all drum songs use drum rudiments. All solos use rudiments. All beats, just about, use rudiments! So that's pretty big. You can find these rudiments by googling them, I used a website called, there's also iphone apps like Drum Library(which is another thing I used) that has the 40 key, and also hybrid too. So next, get a full on drum set. It can be pricey, and if you see any that are less than $500 it might not be a good drum set. After you have a drum set, practice the hell out of it. Beats, Fills, Songs, and eventually Solos, everything! And take in as much information as you can, become a vaccum, use drum books, websites, tabs, play some of your favorite band's songs and try to cover them, and even record them and put them on youtube! So after a couple months, maybe a year of hard practice, join a band. Maybe it's you and your friends, or you and someone elses friends, or you and strangers, anything works. Get to know your band, and try to practice at least once a week, and if you get serious, 3 times a week. Get to really know your band members, and play anything you can get your hands on, talent shows, open mic nights at places, and always be on the lookout for gig opportunities. After you play 10,000 hours together, you will officially be an accomplished band. Congratz, you're a real drummer!

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Black Eyed Children.

Okay, I'll admit, when I first read about this kids(or things) I was scared shitless. So as the stories go, there are children, who come to you asking to come into your space, like you car, or house, and they always need you permission. So now here's the scary part, their eyes, are completly black. Not a bit of white in them. And it's reported that they give any person instant fear, and you always want to do what they say.

It all started with a reporter back in the 90's who gave a report about two black eyed kids that asked him for a ride home from a movie so they could get some money. The man thought little of the kids but still had an odd fear, then he looked at their eyes. Completly black. They continued to demand a ride, and he kept denying, and the more he did, they angrier they got. Eventually, they were screaming "PLEASE LET US IN, TELL US WE CAN COME IN, WE NEED YOU TO COME IN" and the man found himself hid his hand on the lock, he pulled it away and sped off.

There are countless stories, and reportings of these wierd children. The stories usually come from people who never wanted to share their stories, until they realize other people have had the same experiences. Which is one of the scarier parts of the while phenomenon. There was one lady, who had the children come to her appartment building demanding room! They were at her doorstep. The kids usually come in twos and threes and are usually in their teens, with one leader and others followers.

So there you go, you're interested.

The Cape

Have you heard of this show "The Cape"? I'm watching it right now, and I like it! It's not the best, but it's just starting off right now. It's about a guy, who's a detective, and get's framed, people think he's a really bad guy. He escapes, leaving everyone to think he's dead, including his wife and son, Trip. So, this guy is off on his own, and finds a circus, where a man trains him to be "The Cape" a comic that his son really likes. I'd definatly recommend it to anyone who likes superhero movies, and dramas, but easy going drama. So that's all, you're interested,

FL Studio

So, in the post, I'll be talking about a program, no ordinary program, but a super kick-ass program that lets you create sick nasty music in minutes! It's called Fruity Loops Studio, or FL Studio for short, and it's fun, really fun, you basically create original music, hip hop, techno, even rock, but that would sound pretty awful. You just have to be creative. And what's the best part? Besides all the plugins and huge library of sound, you can get it for free! The suckiest part? You can't even save. Sure, you can make MP3s but no, no saving for you. Been working for two hours? Computer crashes? Too bad. No recovery either, you have to pay for that, somewhere in the $100 range I think. So that's all, you're interested.

Parkour, and You.

Parkour, a relativly new sport, founded in France early 90's and it's becoming huge, with a little help from our friend the internet! I've been a practicer of parkour(traceur) for a year or so now, and it's great. It's really helping me stay fit, and I highly suggest it to anyone, big or small, male or female, no matter the race, ethnicity, or sex, parkour is for everybody. And I really don't feel proper calling it a sport, it's rather a lifestyle. Check out Danny Ilibaca's video "choose Not To Fall" it's beautiful. Basically, parkour is getting from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible. Let no obstacle slow you down! It's wonderful, and brutal and feels so good.

So how can you, mister Man, start parkour? I'd suggest webssites like and and youtube channels like 3Run, the parkour community is awesome, and the workouts will get you a six pack in days! You can impress all of your friends when your chillin and you pull off a backflip! Although, a backflip is definatly freerunning. So what is freerunning? Freerunning is in a way, parkour with out the plan. It's not getting from A to B as fast as possible, it's more like flashy flips and tricks to practice. It's usually practiced because of a feeling that you need more, or you want to feel accomplished, or you just plain wanna show off to your buddys, there's no wrong answer.

So which to practice? It's your choice, I practice both and I find that the best, is to practice both! It's great. So go out, have fun, explore. That's all from me, have fun.

Lucy In The Sky, A Beatles Conspiracy!

So to start off this amazing blog, I'm gonna talk about this thing that I thought about today. If you were raised in the US or Europe or most other places than you probably have heard the song "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" by the Beatles. The song can be described as many things, "peaceful", "trippy" and it seems like it's a song on drugs even. So what was it written about? Most believe that the song was written about a painting that John's son had drawn, but if you look at the words, you see something interesting.

So look, look carefully, and think about common sixties drugs. A big one, that the Beatles experimented a lot with was LSD, have you noticed it yet? I'll spell it out.
Lucy in the
Sky with
How about now? No? Okay, I'll make it very clear.



It's one of those things that you can't tell if it was on purpose or not and the Beatles were always cryptic and always, when presented with things like this, said they didn't know what anyone was talking about! Interesting, no?